Aim Aid - Amazing!
It's Just Two Knitting Needles Connected Together With a Length of
Flexible String. Simple but Amazingly Deadly!
This product consists of an elastic string - containing three moveable beads - tied onto two knitting needles that can be stretched to approximately 12 feet. This training aid is a popular tool on the putting green of the professional Tours around the world.
The string provides a target line to putt under for accurate aiming and to assess if you're getting the ball on line. The string also helps you calibrate your eyes for accurate aiming and alignment. And, the beads help you govern your stroke-length.
The Aim Aid:
- Controls your learning and maximizes your time on the putting green so you get correct feedback.
- Restores your confidence by making putts consistently.
- Guarantees accurate aim every time.
- Calibrates your eyes for aiming accuracy and stroke control.
- Helps you determine whether or not you are starting the ball on your intended line.
May be ordered in our Store for $20 including shipping.
For international sales and for instructors, please email us: [email protected]